Super Mario RPG is a game that I've heard about for as long as I can remember, likely due to Geno, a character whose sole appearance as a main character is in this game, has frequently been requested by fans to be a character in Super Smash Brothers. Despite Super Mario RPG always being relevant in one way or another, I truthfully did not know much about it, other than the fact that it has two popular original characters, Geno and Mallow, and other factoids often recounted in Did You Know Gaming? videos from the early 2010s.
Growing up, I loved the Mario and Luigi games and have always wanted to give the Paper Mario games a try (still working on that one) but have never been that interested in playing through Super Mario RPG. I don't really have a reason as to why, it just never interested me. In fact, the only reason I bought this new remake is because I wanted an excuse to buy the two-game voucher at a discounted price, as $50 eShop cards were on sale on Amazon at the time. I'm glad that I did, because I can now say that Super Mario RPG is one of my favorite games of all time.

My love for this game still surprises me, but I think that anyone who at least gives this a try could see how this game is special. For me, it's the amount of charm, fun, and yes, soul, that the development team put into this game that really elevates the experience for me. The entire time that I played this game, I couldn't help but have a smile on my face. It has such a charming world, with silly characters that can always make you laugh and make you do outrageous things to reach your goal.
There is so much care put into every corner of this game that it is truly felt, with so many secret interactions that you would never see unless you went searching for them, which makes exploration rewarding without the incentivization of new weapons or items (although there is plenty of that too.)

I have not heard much of the original soundtrack outside of the few popular songs, but the remake's soundtrack is great throughout. The battle themes are never tiring even until the end and many of the overworld themes are pleasant, adding to the wonder that many of this game's locations will bring. I never once felt the need to switch to the original soundtrack, but the option is there for anyone that might want to.
The combat, while very simple, is fun throughout the game's surprisingly short run time. In a longer game this combat system might have become a little stale, but Super Mario RPG has some of the best pacing of any JRPG that I have ever played. It's story and events move at a brisk pace, there is rarely a moment where it grinds to a halt, you are always going to new locations, meeting new characters and fighting new enemies. The game manages to be perfect for someone that may be new to the genre while also being a satisfying time for more experienced players.

If I had one complaint, it's that the game is a bit TOO easy. I do not think every game needs to be difficult, in fact I am fine that this game is easy, Mario RPG games should be, but by the end of the game every encounter was more of a nuisance and timewaster than anything. Enemies would hit you for 1 damage and you would wipe the entire enemy squad in a couple of terms, which should not be happening at the end of the game. It's a minor complaint though, because it really did not affect my enjoyment too much when everything else about the game was lovely.
By the end of the game, I had tears in my eyes, not because the ending was particularly tear-jerking or anything, but because I was sad that the adventure was over. Super Mario RPG is a very special game and I recommend everyone that has not played it yet to do so.